Помогите с Английским!
Circle the right form (выбрать правильный вариант).
1. I can’t find the receipt. I should have / must have thrown it away.
2. You can’t see / can’t have seen Gerry yesterday. He was in bed with flu.
3. John played really badly yesterday. He might not be / might not have been feeling well.
4. I don’t like those jeans. You should have / must have bought the other ones.
5. What a lovely girl your daughter is. You must be / must have been very proud of her.
6. A: I can’t find my car keys. They’re not in my bag. Т B: Well, you might have not / can’t have / should have not left them at the restaurant. Isaw you take them.


Ответ дал: dashavladykina
1 must have thrown
2 can’t have seen
3 might not be
4 should have
5 must be
6 might have not
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