1. Mary has a stomachache. –

A. She should eat a light meal.

B. She should jump.

C. She should eat fast food.

2. Mike has a toothache. –

A. He should go to the dentist.

B. He should eat a lot of sweets.

C. He should sleep.

3. Jane has a sore throat. –

A. She should eat cold food.

B. She should go to school.

C. She should drink warm herbal tea.


Ответ дал: abonte


1. A. She should eat a light meal.

2. A. He should go to the dentist.

3. C. She should drink warm herbal tea.

Ответ дал: matbey63
1) A she should eat a light meal.
2)A he should go to the dentist.
3)C she should drink warm herbal tea.
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