Вставьте в предложения глаголы в прошедшем простом времени или настоящем совершенном времени
1) Chayana … (live) in Shagonar since she was five.
2) Our class … (go) to the swimming pool yesterday.
3) … (you / read) Harry Potter yet?
4) I … (always / hate) romance film.
5) He … (write) his first book 5 years ago.
6) She ………… (know) him since 2013.
7) ……… (you/ever/watch) this thriller?
8) When he ……. (be) young he ……… (have) powerful voice.
9) She ……… (always/love) romantic films.
10) Yesterday they …….. (walk) to the cinema.


Ответ дал: ulanbekibrainov7

1) living


3) read you

4)always hate

5)write will

6)will now

7)you watching ever

8) be having

9) loving always


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