Make these sentences passive.
1. They will read these fairy tales together. - These fairy tales will bе read bу
2. We will admire such pictures all over the world. - _____ _ ____ _
3. They finished the report. - _ _____________ _
4. They will ask the girl about it. - -----------------
5. We invited the children to the party. - _____________ _
6. I remember these rules. - _ _ ________________ _
7. They will mention the facts. - ------------------
8. They decorated the hall last month. - --------------
9. They will write these lines tomorrow. - _ _____________ _
10. They plant tulips every summer.--------------


Ответ дал: Anagrammas

Such pictures from all over the world will be admire by us.

The report finished by them.

The girl will be asked about it by them.

The children invited to the party by us.

These rules remembered by me. (странный ответ, но других нет)

The facts won't mentioned by them.

The hall was decorated by them last month.

These lines will be written by them tomorrow.

Tulips are planted by them every summer.

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