Помогите пж
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант (Choose the right variant).
1. Take your umbrella. It _____________cats and dogs.
a) rains b) is raining
2. It ____________in this part of the country.
a) is often raining b) often rains
3. Dad is in the garden. He __________________ the flowers.
a) waters b) is watering
4. John_____________ in the garden.
a) is still working b) still works
5. Run downstairs. Your sister ______________ for you.
a) waits b) is waiting
6. I don’t know Spanish, but I ___________it now.
a) am learning b) learn
7. Dad ________________on Sundays.
a) is usually working b) usually works
8. Why ______you ________? Is something wrong?
b) are crying b) do cry
9. Why ____ you not _________? I ____________ for you.
b) are hurrying b) is hurrying c) is waiting d) am waiting
10. We _________next weekend at home.
b) are spending b) spend
11. Take your umbrella. It _________cats and dogs.
a) rains b) is raining
12. Dad ______________on Monday.
b) is usually works b) usually works.
13. It’s 5o’clock. The family ______tea. Every day the family _______tea at 5 o’clock.
b) has b) is having
14. In the morning mother_________ breakfast for us. It is 7 o’clock. Mother ____________ breakfast.
c) cooks b) is cooking
15. Every day father ________the house at 8 o’clock . It’s 8 o’clock. Father __________ the house.
d) leaves b) is leaving .


Ответ дал: kamalmekhtiev


1. b

2. b

3. b

4 .a

5 .b

6. a

7 .b

8 .b

9. 1.b 2.d


11 .b

12.1. b

13 .1b. 2. b

14 .c

15 .d


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