Из активного залога в пассивный. Использовать"by" или "with".
1/ Critics called the script gripping.
2/ I will have reserved the seats.
3/ Diana has labelled the album incredible.
4/ The director is staging a performance.
5/ Rich spectators book the stalls.
6/ An orchestra was playing classical music.
7/ He had turned off the lights.
8/ This smartphone camera will take photos.


Ответ дал: ohgodwhy


Объяснение:The script gripping called by critics

The seats will have reserved by me

The album has labelled incredible by Diana

The performance is staging by director

Book the stalls by rich spectators (вообще к предложению с активным залогом у меня вопрос, потому что я с трудом смог его перевести, такое чувство, будто оно неправильно построено или там что-то пропустили(?))

Classical music was playing by orchestra

The light turned off by him

It will take photos by this smartphone camera

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