Fill in the blanks with the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

1.— I go......... to the Greek Islands for years now.
— You must like going there very much.

2.How long...... she
know..... him?
— They have been friends for a long time.

3.— Where have you been?
—I work..... out in the gym all afternoon.

Пожалуйста помогите​


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1.— I have been going to the Greek Islands for years now.

— You must like going there very much.

2.How long has she known him?

— They have been friends for a long time.

3.— Where have you been?

—I have been working out in the gym all afternoon.

to know - это глагол состояния, он не употребляется в аспекте continuous.

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