Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1) Ashley ......... (clear) the table and ......... (do) the washing-up.

2) Nathan .......... (not/hear) the phone ring because he ............ (work) outside in the garden.

3) While Lydia ......... (sing), the audience ..............(listen) to her in amazement.

4) I ........... (not/email) you the photos, because my computer .......... (not/work) yesterday.

5) Someone ......... (try) to break into the Fords’ house, when a neighbour ....... (see) him and ......... (call) the police.


Ответ дал: Anagrammas

Cleared, did

Didn't hear, was working

was singing, listened

Didn't email, didn't work

Was trying, saw, called

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