помогите пожалуйста дам 25 баллов 1. Translate the phrases from English into Russian.

1. a couch potato

2. a checked woolen cushions

3. a rectangular plain silver frame

4. junk food

5. as cool as a cucumber

6. low fat yoghurt

2. Choose the correct word.

1. Please have some / few / much of these chocolates. I know you like them.

2. Have you got much / many / some coffee?

3. There isn't some / any / many water in the bottle.

4. Have we got some / any / a lot of milk?

5. There was a few / a little / muchfood in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

6. There aren’t many / much / a little eggs left. I’ll go and buy any/some/much.

7. There are much / many / a lot of skirts to choose from.

8. There’re a lot of / a few / a little carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

9. I always have a little / a few / much milk with my tea.

10. Can I have any / some / much water, please?

3. Complete the phrasal verb TAKE (off, out, away, back).

1. Can we eat a take _____ tonight.

2. My parents always take us ______ on Friday.

3. It is very hot. I think I will take _____ my shirts.

4. 4. If you don’t like it, then take it ____ to the shop. ​


Ответ дал: kovalenkomaria030405


1 домосед, лежебока, лентяй

2 проверенные шерстяные подушки

3 прямоугольная простая серебряная рамка

4 нездоровая пища

5 невозмутимый, хладнокровный

6 обезжиренный йогурт

1 some

2 some

3 any

4 some

5 a little

6 many. some

7 many

8 a few

9 much

10 some

1 away

2 out

3 off

4 back

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