Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Past Simple.
1) The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago.
2) It (be) bitterly cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still.
3) The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock.
4) I (see) you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Are you preparing for the exams?
5) We (have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (spoil) the whole pleasure.
6) You (go) to the South when you (be) a child?
7) As soon as I came up, they (get) into a taxi and (go) away.
8) What sights you (see) when yon (be) in Egypt?
9) Every winter Nick (go) to the Swiss Alps to ski.
10) He (come) in, (take) off his hat, (move) a chair to the table and (join) the conversation.
11) When he (arrive)? — The plane was delayed and he (come) two hours later.
12) How much your bag (cost)? — I (pay) $80 for it.


Ответ дал: nirvanaEC
1. Began
2) was, put, caught
3) brought
4) saw
5) had, spoiled
6) got, went
8) What sights did you see when you were in Egypt?
9) went
10) came, took, moved, joined
11) When did he arrive?; came
12) How much did your bag cost?; paid
Ответ дал: Sunlight11

1) The building of the trade centre began a month ago.

2) It was bitterly cold yesterday. I

put on my warm coat but I caught a cold still.

3) The postman brought the morning mail only at 10 o'clock.

4) I saw you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Are you preparing for the exams?

5) We had a picnic yesterday, but the rain spoiled the whole pleasure.

6) You went to the South when you was a child?

7) As soon as I came up, they got into a taxi and went away.

8) What sights did you see when you were in Egypt?

9) Every winter Nick went to the Swiss Alps to ski.

10) He came in, took off his hat, moved a chair to the table and joined the conversation.

11) When did he arrive? — The plane was delayed and he came two hours later.

12) How much did your bag cost? — I paid $80 for it.

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