Запишите предложения, используя The First Conditional (предложения условия)
1. If the weather (be) ____ bad tomorrow, I (not ride)_______ a bike.
2. If it (be) ______ snowy at the weekend, we (make) ______ a snowman.
3. If it( rain)_____ on Saturday, they (not go) ________ to the cinema.
4. If the weather (be) _____ fine, Kate (play) _______ in the park.
5. Children (swim) _______ in the river if it (be)______ sunny tomorrow


Ответ дал: cristabell71

1) is, won't ride

2) is, will make

3) rains, won't go

4) is, will play

5) will swim, is

ghffff55: а is там где be или нет
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