Решите тест по теме "Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous"
1. I … for you all day. Where have you been?
a) was looking
b) have looked
c) looked
d) have been looking
2. She says she … this man for ages.
a) Has known
b) Has been knowing
c) Was knowing
d) Knows
3. Mrs. Stone ... as a teacher for twenty years.
a) Work
b) Worked
c) Has been working
d) Is working
4. You look upset. What … to you?
a) Has been happening
b) Has happened
c) Happens
d) Had happened
5. No, thank you, I don’t smoke. I … up.
a) Gave
b) Have been giving
c) Have given
d) Have been given
6. Do you know where … ?
a) Has she gone
b) Has she been going
c) She has been going
d) She has gone
7. "Sorry, I"m late" - "That"s all right. I ... long."
a) have not been waiting
b) have not waited
c) have not been waited
d) have not waiting
8. Do you really think her English … since she started school?
a) Improves
b) Has been improving
c) Has improved
d) Improved
9. Their family has been living in this house since the eighteenth century, … ?
a) Haven’t they
b) Hasn’t it
c) Don’t they
d) Isn’t it
10. Come in and have a seat. We … our plans for the next year.
a) Have just been discussing
b) Just discussed
c) Have just discussed
d) Just discuss


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 d

2 a

3 с

4 b

5 с

6 d

7 a

8 с

9 b

10 a

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