1.Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He __________________ (be) fond of Joanne for a long time.

2 _____________ you _____________ (install) the new software already?

3 How long ____________ _ they _____________ (have) their headquarters in Spain?

4 You got here finally! It __________________ (take) you hours!

5 We __________________ (ask) Colin Firth to play the lead role in the film and we’re now waiting for his answer.

6 _____________ she _____________ (have) a stroke before?

2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He __________________ (live) here for six months.

2 Helen __________________ (work) as a TV director since she graduated.

3 How long __________________ you __________________ (come) to these classes?

4 My mother __________________ (sing) in choirs since she was a little girl.

5 He __________________ (not cope) well at university. I’m worried about him.

6 _____________ you _____________ (tour) a lot with the band this year?

3. Choose the correct options.

1 Her throat is sore because she’s been singing / sung all day.

2. I’m tired because I’ve stood / been standing up all day.

3. She has loved / been loving him all her life.

4. How long has Dr Khan been seeing / seen patients? It’s time he had a break.

5. I have known / been knowing Alissa since we were eleven.

6. Ouch! I’ve cut / been cutting my finger.

7. I’ve dug / been digging the garden all morning and I still haven’t finished.

8. I haven’t seen / been seeing you for ages!

9. How long have you had / been having a headache?

10. I’ve bought / been buying a new car. Do you want to see it?

11. We’ve been getting / got terribly excited about our daughter’s wedding. She’s getting married next month.


Ответ дал: julianesterenko


1. 1 has been 2 have you installed 3 have they had 4 has taken 5 have asked 6 has she had

2. 1 has been living 2 has been working 3 have you been coming 4 has been singing 5 has not been coping 6 have you been touring

3. 1 - 1, 2 - 2, 3 - 1, 4 - 1, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 2, 8 - 1, 9 - 2, 10 - 1, 11 - 2


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