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Liz has shared the stage with world

leaders like Mikhail Gorbachev and the

Dalai Lama as an international speaker.

It's hard to believe that at the age of 16

she was homeless and sleeping on park

benches and underground trains! Liz's

parents were drug addicts and couldn't look after

her and her sister. She says, "We ate ice cubes because it felt like

eating. We split a tube of toothpaste between us for dinner." When their

mother died, their father moved to a homeless shelter and Liz and her

sister were out on the streets of New York. At this point, Liz decided to

try to turn her life around. She went back to school and through

dedication and determination, she eventually won a scholarship to a top

university. Since Liz graduated from Harvard in 2009, she has been

speaking at events to teenagers about staying away from drugs and

gangs. She wants them to understand that they can reach their goals,

whatever they have had to face in their lives.


Ответ дал: katalinova7


Who is Dalai Lama?

In which age Liz was homeless?

Who was Liz parents

Why they ate ice cubes?

In which year Liz graduated in Harvard?

With which world leaders Liz has shared?

Who died in Liz family?

After what Liz family start live on the street?

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