I. Напиши глаголы в прошедшем времени:
to dance - to open - to take - to rain - to have - to wash - to do - to watch – to clean - to go - to make - to be – to want to get - to live - to write –

II. Напиши отрицательные предложения:
1. Last summer we went to Moscow.
2. The children had dinner at 2 o’clock yesterday.
3. They watched this film last week.
4. I got up at 8 o’clock yesterday.
5. It rained two days ago.
6. Ann lived in S. Petersburg last year.
7. She read an interesting book the day before yesterday.
8. I did my homework after school yesterday.

III. Задай вопросы:
1. The children played in the garden yesterday. (Where?)
2. Tom wrote a letter three days ago. (Did?)
3. Father cooked dinner yesterday. (What?)
4. Mother went to work by bus yesterday. (Who?)
5. We had a bath the day before yesterday. (When?)
6. My brother went to the cinema last week. (Did?)
7. Nick came home in the afternoon. (Why?)
8. Grandmother made tea in the morning. (What?)

IV. Напиши отрицательное предложение, общий вопрос, специальный вопросили вопрос к подлежащему:
1. We had lunch at 1 o’clock yesterday.
2. Itsnowedlastweek.

V. Переведи на английский:
1. Я помогал маме вчера. 2. Где ты жил в прошлом месяце? 3. Они проснулись в 7 часов? 4. Мы не ходили в школу вчера. 5. Кто смотрел телевизор в воскресенье?


Ответ дал: sasha2013qp

Ответ:i take point


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