Помогите с домашним заданием , буду очень признательна.   Have a look at Barbara"s diary . Say what she ia going to do next week.  (посмотрите на Барбару.Скажите , что она собирается делать на следующей неделе )                                                                                                                                              Monday  give a call to Mr Golovin at 10 a.m.  -   see the dentist at 3 p.m.                                                                                                                                     Tuesday - buy a present for Mum                                                                                       Wednesday - write a letter to the Russian students                                                               Thursday - speak to Mr Wooding about social programme                                                   Friday  - go to school party                                                                                               Saturday  _ sleep  !                                                                                                         Sunday  - visit Mum on her birthday                                  


Ответ дал: Baksram
1Barbara is going to give a call to Mr.Golovin at 10 a.m. on Monday.
2Barbara is going to buy a present for Mum on Tuersday.
3Barbara is going to write a letter to her Russian pupils on Wednesday.
4Barbara is going to speak to Mr Wooding about the social programme on Thursday.
5. Barbara is goingto go to the school party on Friday.
6 on Saturday Barbara is going to sleep.
7/ on Sunday Barbara is going to visit Mum on her birthday

лариса1лара: Спасибо огромное!!!!
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