Complete the sentences using the causative.

1) A technician is installing a security camera at the shop. The shop ......

2) Someone stole my wallet on the train. I ..............................................

3) Someone has broken into John's house. John .....................................

4) The mechanic will put an alarm in Tina's car. Tina ................................


Ответ дал: sitkinv


1) A technician is installing a security camera at the shop. The shop is having a security camera installed.

2) Someone stole my wallet on the train. I had/got/ have got my wallet stolen on the train.

3) Someone has broken into John's house. John has had his house broken into. .....................................

4) The mechanic will put an alarm in Tina's car. Tina will have an alarm put in her car. ................................


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) A technician is installing a security camera at the shop.

  The shop is having a security camera installed.

2) Someone stole my wallet on the train.

   I had my wallet stolen on the train.

3) Someone has broken into John's house.

   John has had his house broken into.

4) The mechanic will put an alarm in Tina's car.

   Tina will have an alarm put in her car.

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