Помогите, пожалуйста, срочно!!!
1. Last year I (to finish) secondary school and (to enter) the South Ural State University.

2. (to see) our new lecturer? – Yes, I have.

3. When (to pass) your entrance exams? – This July and today is the 1st of August.

4. How many times you (to give) lectures this week?

5. I (to earn) my General Certificate of Secondary Education by the moment I applied to the university.

6. My brother (to get) a Bachelor’s Degree by 2005.

7. You (to prepare) for laboratory classes yet?

8. You ever (to be) to the United Kingdom?

9. You (to choose) your major yet?

10. – I (to loose) my textbook. – When you (to see) it last?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 finished-entered

2 have you seen

3 when did you pass

4 have you given

5 had earned

6 had got

7 have you prepared

8 have you ever been

9 have you chosen

10 have lost-when did you see


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