Present Simple или Present Continuous

1.Her mum(to work) in the British museum. 2) What are you doing? I( to watch) TV. 3) Tom is in his room. He (to prepare) for a English test. 4) In the summer the family (to spend) Sundays in the country. 5) Look! The little girl ( to dance). 6) The friends often ( to ride) their bikes in the park. 7) Ben, turn the music down alittle! I ( to do) my homework.


Ответ дал: slastena08p8ffdi
1.Her mum works in the British museum. 2) What are you doing? I am watching TV. 3) Tom is in his room. He is preparing for a English test. 4) In the summer the family spend Sundays in the country. 5) Look! The little girl is dancing 6) The friends often ride their bikes in the park. 7) Ben, turn the music down alittle! I am doing my homework.
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