4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 I’m really jealous ________ my little sister’s achievements.
2 Why is she nervous ________ the exam in June? I’m sure she’ll pass.
3 When I was younger, I was scared ________ dogs.
4 I feel guilty ________ not inviting you to the party.
5 Bob is confused ________ this exercise. He doesn’t understand it.
6 Jake was quite disappointed ________ his exam results last term.
7 She didn’t tell me the truth, and I still feel angry ________ that.
8 What mistake are you most ashamed ________ ?
9 Harry is fed up ________ his job and he wants to resign.


Ответ дал: sitkinv


1 of 2 about 3 of 4 about 5 about 6 with 7 about 8 of  9 with


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