Exercise 1. Write in a, an, some or any.

1. Is there _____ milk in the crystal glass? — No, there isn't _____ milk in the crystal glass There's _____ juice in the crystal glass. 2. — Are there_____ sausages on the round plate? -There aren't _____ sausages on the round plate. There are _____ sandwiches on the round plate. 3. -Is there_____ glass on the wooden table? — No, there isn't _____ glass on the wooden table. There's _____ cup on the wooden table.

Exercise 2. Write in a, an, some, any.
There's ______angel on the top. There are ______ornaments on the tree. Are there ______lights on the tree? There isn't ______Christmas tree in the house. There's ______ jam on the wooden table. Is there ______bread in the basket? There aren't ______ vegetables in the fridge.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with some/any/no.
There is _______ tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot. There is _______ fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge. Are there ________ tasty apples in the bag? There isn't _______ jam on the round plate. There are _______ bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow. There is ________ butter on the plate. There is ________ cheese on the table, but there’re ____________ cheese sandwiches. There isn't _________ sausage on the table. There are ____________ potatoes in the bag. There aren't ______________ bananas on the table, but there are ________ cucumbers there.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words

Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, carrots

There is some fresh ________ on the wooden table. There aren't any ___________ in the big bag, but there are some ________ there. There are no green ________ on the table, but there are some tasty red _________ there.


Ответ дал: MAG1C0



1. any; any; some

2. any; any; some

3. a; a; a


an; some; any; a; some; any; any


some ; no ; any ; any ; some ; some ; no ; some ; any ; some ; any ; some


cabbage ; appls ; carrots ; cucumbers ; tomatoes

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