II. Подчеркните правильное слово в скобках.
1) He (says/tells) I can’t miss the railway station. 2) The teacher who is standing at the blackboard says, “(Come/Go) to the blackboard, Tom.” 3) (Sorry/Excuse me), is there a bank near here? 4) The airport is (far/near) from the city centre. 5) Cambridge is a university city. (Its/It’s) a colleges are famous all over the world. 6) I am standing at the cinema. There is a hotel on my right and there’s a library on my left. The cinema is ( opposite/ between)them. 7) John spoke to me very (cold/coldly) in the morning . 8) Jane is in the living room, she says, “(Come/Go) in, Bob. It’s so warm and pleasant (inside/outside).” 9) (Which/What) cities in Spain do you know? 10) (Which/Who) of you lives in Velikie Luki.


Ответ дал: aleksandrskilsara100

1. Says 2.come 3.Excuse me. 4.near(тут я хз). 5.it's. 6.(извини незнаю) 7.cold. 8. Come,inside 9. Which. 10. Who. P.S. Извини но возможно некоторое будет неправильно

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