1 Let me I make you( some any no )coffee.
2 Have you got (some any no) bananas?
3 We can't make a cake, we've got (some any no) flour and butter.
4 Is there( some any no )food in the fridge?
5 There are (some any no) books in my bag. It's empty.
6 We need to buy (no some any) butter.
7There aren't (some any no )vegetables left. Dad's eaten them all!
Would you like( some any no )coffee?


Ответ дал: grigoreva30051980

Let me I make you some coffee

Have you got any bananas

We can't make a cake, we've got no flour and butter.

Is there any food in the fridge?

There are no books in my bag. It's empty.

We need to buy some butter.

There aren't any vegetables left. Dad's eaten them all!

Would you like no coffee?

princesstdiane: в последнем: some
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