Translate these sentences into English using Present Continuous

1)Она не читает газету
2)Джейн играет на пианино
3)Сэнди играет в тенис сейчас?
4)Лиз и Джейн сейчас готовят ужин.
5)Где вы гуляете?
6)Куда они идут?
7)Мы пьем не кофе, мы пьем чай.
8)Бэн стоит у окна.
9)Он смотрит на сад
10)О чем ты думаешь?


Ответ дал: dsamanskaya


1) She is not reading a newspaper

2)Jane is playing the piano

3)Is Sendey playing tennis now?

4)Liz and Jane are cooking dinner now.

5)Where are you walking?

6)Where are they going?

7)We are not drinking a coffee, we are drinking tea

8)Ben is standing near the window

9)He is looking at the garden

10) What are you thinking about?


Ответ дал: MidoriyaIzuku


1) She isn't reading the paper.

2) Jein is playing the piano.

3) Is Sandy playing tennis now?

4) Liz and Jane are cooking dinner now.

5) Where are you walking?

6) Where are they going?

7) We aren't drinking coffee, we are drinking tea.

8) Ben is standing by the window.

9) He is looking out at the garden.

10) What are you thinking?

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