3.Choose the right variant of the verbs.
1) I (water) the plants yesterday. 4) We (take) him to school last week.
a) waters b) am watering c) watered a) are taking b) took c) taked
2) Peter (go) to the cinema every Sunday. 5) They (to play) tennis every Saturday.
a) went b) goes c) is going a)play b) plays c) is playing
3) Children (work) now. 6) Ann (do) the exercise at the moment.
a) are working b) works c) worked a) does b) did c) is doing


Ответ дал: asema1720


1. c) watered

2. b) goes

3. a) are working

4. b) took

5. a) play

6. c) is doing

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