1-What time do the British usually have breakfast?
2-What does their breakfast consist?
3-When do they have lunch?
4-What do they have for lunch?
5-What do they have for dinner?
Дайте відповіді на питання. Це про Food in Britain. Допоможіть будь-ласка


Ответ дал: zksen25


1. Typical British breakfast time is between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning.  

2.English breakfast usually consists of their bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms, and the British prefer to eat hot porridge with milk and sugar and a couple of toasts with marmalade or jam.  

3. In the UK, lunch and dinner are usually at one o'clock, lunch and dinner are more or less the same in terms of quantity and composition of ingredients.

4. Lunch is a large calorie meal, so it includes meat or fish, potatoes, various salads or fruit pudding, at the discretion of the person.  

5. In some English homes, dinner is considered the main meal, and can begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and sometimes vegetables, fruit and coffee.

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