количественное местоимение. (much, many, a few, few, a little, little, a lot of)
Например!!! 1-much
1. I have ____ time in the evening, we can meet.
2. Could I have___ more milk in my tea?
3. Hurry up! We are leaving in___ minutes.
4. ____ rivers in the world are as long as the Volga.
5. There were ____ books on the table, but I couldn’t see the titles.
6. How___ snow is there in the mountains?
7. How ____ chairs are there in the room?
8. The night was dark, there were only_____ stars in the sky.


Ответ дал: lanamm


1. Much

2. A little more

3. A few

4. Few/some

5 some

6. Much

7. Many

8. Few


polinaa12345: Спасибо большое!
polinaa12345: Можешь ещё помочь с вопросом который я задала на профиле? (Просто я вообще в английском не шарю)
lanamm: Я не вижу второго вопроса(
polinaa12345: зайди на мой профиль
lanamm: Я заходила. Там другие предметы. Англ не вижу
polinaa12345: там в добавленных
polinaa12345: Заполните пропуски словами (a little\little\a few\few)
1. ____ boys were playing football near our house.
2. I have _____ money, we can go to the cinema and see the new cartoon.
3. I have ____ money, we can buy some ice cream.
4. I have _____ money, we can buy only some bread.
5. I’ve found ____ books about the South Pacific and I can prepare a talk.
6. There are ____ sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.
polinaa12345: та вот такое
polinaa12345: там*
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