выберите правильное
a) She not / don't / doesn't like chocolate much.
b) Richard don't saw / didn't see / doesn't see the sports programme on TV last Friday.
c) I'm busier / busyer / more busy than my brothers at the moment.
d) Patrick has got too much / many / any money.
e) Are there any / an / some interesting films on at the cinema?
f) Jake has studied French for / from / since last summer.
g) Wendy stay / stayed / have stayed at a hotel in Lanzarote last summer.
h) How long do you know / y o u have know / have you known Simon?
i) I'm sure that Tom will / is / might come.
j) What are you going doing / do / to do now?


Ответ дал: yourproblems47
A) doesn’ like
B)did not see
C) busier
E) any
F) since
G) stayed
H)have you known
I) will
J) doing
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