Прочти телефонный разговор Маркуса с его отцом.Затем поставь глаголы,данные в скобках,в past simple или present perfect.


D-Hello,Marcus! Are you enjoying your holiday in Egipt?

M-Oh,yes!I'm having a wonderful time.

D-1)Have you benn(you\be) to the Valley of the Kings yet?

M-No,l haven't.But l 2) ________(alrealy\visit) tne Great Pyramids.They were beautiful!

D-What else 3)______ (you\do) so far?

M-Hmm..let's see.L 4)_____(walk) around the local Egyptian markets three days ago and l 5)_______(go) on a Nile River cruise last night.

D-Great!How's the food there?

M-L 6)____________(already\try) the traditional Egyrtian food and it was very good.

D-What are your plans for the rest of the week?

M-L 7)______(not\see) the Sphinx and l 8)_______(not\visit) the Egyrtian Museum yet, so l would really like to do those things by the end of the week.

D-Sound good.Well,l have to go now, Marcus.Call me again soon.



Ответ дал: Hafsa


D-Hello,Marcus! Are you enjoying your holiday in Egypt?

M-Oh,yes!I'm having a wonderful time.

D-1)Have you been  to the Valley of the Kings yet?

M-No,l haven't.But l 2) have already visited tne Great Pyramids.They were beautiful!

D-What else 3)did you so far?

4) walked


6)has already tried

7)hasn't seen

8) haven't visited

Ответ дал: olecika

)have you been

2)i have already visited

3)have u done


5)i have already tried

6)i havent visited,havent visited

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