50 БАЛЛОВ!!!!!!!!!

8.Robert,s father invents new machines, he is an ……..

a)lawyer b)engineer c)politician d)painter

10.Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the greatest…. of his time.

a)lawyer b)engineer c)politician d)painter

12.Sam…..many jobs and visited many places in the USA.

a)admired b)changed c)created d)invented

14.Charles Dickens was a writer whose best……were about happy family life and good people.

a)books b)pictures c)music d)films

16.The British are proud of…..because he won the battle of Trafalgar.

a)William Wallace b)Rudyard Kipling c)Horatio Nelson d)Christopher Columbus

18.Samuel Clemens is the first name of……

a)William Shakespeare b) Rudyard Kipling c)Mark Twain d)Henry Ford




Ответ дал: Timagion


А до вопросов есть текст? Если есть, то скинь фотку, кину ответы тогда...

8) B


12) c

14) b

16) a

18) c

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