Example: I (can, could) jump very high in college.
1) I (could, can) help you with your homework now.
2) Five years ago, I (cannot, couldn't) play the piano.
3) I (can, could) get an A on the test.
4) I (can, could) run ten miles if I train hard enough.
5) We (can, could) speak English well.
6) Matt (could, can) be sick today.
7) The volleyball team (can, could) go to the Olympics this year if they are lucky.
8) I think I (can, could) help you learn math if you promise to study hard.
9) (Can, Could) we go to the zoo tomorrow?
10) I (cannot, couldn't) run that fast when I was six years old.

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Ответ дал: Fhbvff


Example: could (the sentence is about the past so the verb should also be in the past form).

1. Can (the sentence is about present moment so the verb is also in the present form)

2.Couldn't (it's in the past, it was five years ago)

3. Can

4. Can (the verb is in the same form as the verb train)

5. Can

6. Could

7. Can

8. Can

9. Can

10. Couldn't

peris87075347504: спасибо
Fhbvff: спасибо Вам за лучшее решение :)
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