I gave... my bicycle and he gave me...
1 her, his
2 their, him
3 him,his
Potatoes... in many countries.
1 were grown
2 was grown
3 are grown
The air in the country is... than the air in the city.
1 clean
2 cleaner
3 the cleanest
We expect the train...arrive on time.
1 to
2 ___
3 for
Who looks... your car when you go away?
1 at
2 up
3 after
Mr. Brown felt the little girl...touch his hand.
1 to
2 _-----
3 for
Could I have a look at your notes... Scotland?
1 on
2 in
3 about
Let's take the curtains.... and wash them.
1 after
2 off
3 down
The capital of Scotland is....
1 Belfast
2 Edinburgh
3 London
The first president of the USA is...
1 Lincoln
2 Washington
3 Kennedy


Ответ дал: hanterfeed39


1) 3

2) 1

3) 2

4) 1

5) 3

6) 1

7) 3

8) 2

9) 2

10) 2


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