Образуйте предложения с глаголами в форме Continuous.
1) They … (to answer) the questions now (Present Continuous). 2) My friend … (to sit) at the first desk now (Present Continuous). 3) The woman … (to eat) an ice-cream now (Present Continuous). 4) When I came into the office the secretary … (to look) through the papers (Past Continuous). 5) What … your son … (to do) when you came home? (Past Continuous). 6) While I … (to read) a book my dog … (to sleep) (Past Continuous). 7) I … (to cook) dinner at 3 o’clock tomorrow (Future Continuous). 8) She … (to translate) her lesson from 5 to 6 (Future Continuous).


Ответ дал: kabanchik52
1.They are answering the question
2.Is sitting
3Is eating
4Was looking
5Was doing
6Was reading, was sleeping
7will cook
8will be translating
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