Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово. 1. (slice, piece, cup) I’d like a … of coffee, please. 2. (glass, slice, spoonful) Would you like a … of cheese on your toast? 3. (pieces, cups, bottles) My father gave me two … of advice. 4. (slice, bottle, piece) Could you buy a … of milk at the shop? 5. (spoonful, piece, cup) That was a difficult … of homework! 6. (glass, piece, slice) Would you give me a … of water? 7. (slices, cups, pieces) How many … of luggage do you have? 8. (spoonfuls, glasses, cups) I normally take three … of sugar in my tea. 9. (pieces, slices, litres) I’ve just put forty … of petrol in the car. 10. (piece, slice, glass) I need a … of information. 11. (piece, kilo, slice) I’d like half a … of coffee, please


Ответ дал: 29kri04

cup slice pieces bottle piece glass pieces spoonfuls liters piece kilo

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