Задания по теме « The Past Perfect Tense»
Упражнение I . Раскройте скобки:
1 Anna (to present) the song she (to write) several months before.
2 My dad (to spend) 4 years in college before he (to find) a well-paid job.
3 The children (to put away) all their toys before mother (to arrive).
4   His mum (to take) the decision to become a therapist before she (to turn) 6
years old.
5 The children (to eat) all the chocolates before they (to have) a dinner.
6 The teacher (to understand) that Lily (not/to do) her homework.
7 By the time I (to wake up) my sister (already/come back) from her morning
8 She (to go) for a holiday after she (to pass) the exams.
9 The team (already/to play) half of the game when we (to arrive) at the
10 Rob (to come) home so soon from his holiday because he (to spend) all the


Ответ дал: aliceklincheva


1. presented; had written

2. had spent; found

3. had put away; arrived

4. had taken; turned

5. had eaten; had

6. understood; hadn't done

7. woke up; had already come back

8. went; had passed

9. had already played; arrived

10. came; had spent

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