1. Му parents ____________ (go) on holiday next week. They have already bought the tickets. *
are going
will go
is going to go
2. Тhere's а party tomorrow night, but _____________ (l/not/go). *
I won't go
I am not going
3. Sue says she's feeling very tired. She _____________ (lie down) for an hour. *
will lie down
is going to lie down
is lying down
4. Do you know about Karen? ____________ (leave) her job. She told me last week. *
she is going to leave
she will leave
she leaves
5. The weather is nice nowl but I think ____________ (rain) later. *
it's going to rain
it's raining
it will rain
6. 'What ____________ (do) next weekeпd? 'Nothing. l've got no plans.' *
do yoy do
are you doing
will you do
7. 'Wheп you see Тiпа, can you ask her to phone me?' 'ОК, I _______________ her.' *
will ask
am going to ask
am asking
8. Will you Ье at home t:omorrow evening?' 'No. ___________ *
I go out
I'm going out
I will go out


Ответ дал: amm71


1. are going

2. i won't go

3. will lie down

4. she leaves

5. it will rain

6. will you doing

7. will ask

8. i'm going out


will- это простое будущее

be going to- когда мы что-то планируем на будущее

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