помогите пожалуйста
1) You ______ (play) in our basketball team if you were a bit higher.

2) If my uncle hadn’t flown to Sydney he ______ (never see) Australia.

3) You ______ (do) the test correctly if you had been more attentive.

4) If the virus doesn’t spread so quickly we ______ (start) school education in may.

5) If my friend ______ (have) free time on Saturday we will go to the shopping centre.

6) If you visited your granny more often she ______ (give) you some pocket money.


Ответ дал: degradantkaya

1) will play

3) do

4) will start

5) has

6) will give

Ответ дал: motopolomoyca


1 could have played

2 would never have seen

3 could have done

4 would start

5 will have

6 would give

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