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1. I ...(to have) breakfast before I went to school.
2. He went to meet his friends after he ...(to do) his homework.
3. By 8 o’clock the rain ...(to stop).
4. Alice was late because she ...(to miss) the bus.
5. She went to the post-office after she ...(to write) the letter.
6. He ...(to work) at the factory before he entered the college.
7. He got a bad mark for his test because he ...(to make) a lot of mistakes in it.
8. I went to bed after I ...(to finish) reading the book.
9. He … (to watch) this TV programme before his parents came home.
10. His nephew … (to move) to a new flat by the beginning of September.
11. It … (to stop) raining by the evening.
12. John and Andrew … (to get) to the hotel before night.


Ответ дал: aliceklincheva


1. had had

2. had done

3. had stopped

4. had missed

5. had written

6. had worked

7. had made

8. had finished

9. had watched

10. had moved

11. had stopped

12. had got

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