Помогите пожалуйста решить
№1. Поставте глагол в нужной форме
1.If it (snow), I won’t go out. 2. You would have learned more if you (study) sometimes. 3. If you(ask) me, I would have told you the truth. 4. You would have done well if you (read) my instruction. 5. I wouldn’t have phoned you here unless it (be) urgent. 6. Children’ll catch cold, if their feet (get) wet in this weather. 7. Unless you apologize at once, I never (speak) to you again. 8. If we (have) nothing to do, life will be boring.
№2 образуйте условные предложения II типа
1. If I (get) money, I (buy) this dress. 2. I (begin) crying if you (leave) me along. 3. You (write) me a letter if you (come) back early. 4. I (do) the work in time if you (not interrupt) me. 5. If it (snow), we (stay) at home. 6. I (go) to Paris for two weeks if I (have) holidays.
№3 образуйте условные предложения III типа
1. If you had had toothache, you (go) to the dentist. 2.Mike would have visited the Tower if he (go) toLondon. 3. If my sister had cleaned her room, I (take) her to the party. 4. Ann would have met you at the station if she (have) free time. 5. If James had washed the floor, he (watch) films all evening. 6. My granny (visit) us if she had not been ill.​


Ответ дал: Ponyasha34



1 snows

2 studied

3 asked

4 read

5 was

6 got

7 spoken

8 had

1 got; would buy

2 would begin; left

3 will write; came

4 would do; don't interrupted

5 snowed; will stay

6 would go; had

1 would go

2 gone

3 would take

4 had

5 will watch

6 would visited

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