3. Попросите у продавца в магазине следующие продукты, используя some с неисчисляемыми существительными и указанное количество предметов – с исчисляемыми.

Н-р: egg – milk (some – 20)
Can I have 20 eggs and some milk, please? (Можно мне 20 яиц и немного молока, пожалуйста?)
1. sandwich – bread (some – 2)
2. rice – apple (some – 5)
3. butter – banana (some – 3)
4. coffee – bottle of lemonade (some – 4)
5. bar of chocolate – sugar (some – 1)


Ответ дал: Уилбур


1. Can I have 2 sandwiches and some bread, please?

2. Can I have 5 apples and some rice, please?

3. Can I have 3 bananas and some butter, please?

4. Can I have 4 bottles of lemonade and some coffee, please?

5/ Can I have 1 bar of chocolate and some sugar, please?


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