Make sentences with comparative adjectives.
1 Lucy's mobile phone / small / Sally's mobile
Lucy's mobile phone is smaller than Sally's
mobile phone.
2 My bike / large / your scooter
3 The summer in Spain /hot/ in England
4 The Italian restaurant/ good / the Chinese
5 My bedroom / clean / your bedroom
6 Your dog / noisy / my dog
7 Villages / quiet / towns
8 The pizza/ delicious / the pasta​


Ответ дал: neoncheetah

2. My bike is larger than your scooter.

3. The summer in Spain is hotter than in England.

4. The Italian restaurant is better than the Chinese restaurant.

5. My bedroom is cleaner than your bedroom.

6. Your dog is noisier than my dog.

7. Villages are quieter than towns.

8. The pizza is more delicious than the pasta.

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