Gerund: choose the correct form. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. This question needs _________.
a) discussing b) being discussed c) having discussed d) having been discussed
2. I like John. I look forward to _________ to his party.
a) inviting b) being invited c) having invited d) having been invited
3. He can’t give up _________ chocolate.
a) eating b) being eaten c) having eaten d) having been eaten
4. I am sorry for not _________ to you. I was very busy last week.
a) writing b) being written c) having written d) having been written
5. My friends and I can’t help _________ videos.
a) watching b) being watched c) having watched d) having been watched
6. She apologised for not _________ her friend at the airport.
a) meeting b) being met c) having met d) having been met
7. This film is worth _________.
a) seeing b) being seen c) having seen d) having been seen
8. I am very busy. I don’t feel like _________.
a) disturbing b) being disturbed c) having disturbed d) having been disturbed
9. Paul avoids _________ to strangers. Moreover, he avoids _________ to.
a) speaking b) being spoken c) having spoken d) having been spoken
10. He was still hungry in spite of _________ several sandwiches.
a) eating b) being eaten c) having eaten d) having been eaten


Ответ дал: distortiondrive


1) a

2) b

3) a

4) a

5) a

6) a

7) a

8) b

9) a, b

10) c


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