Напишите обратное письмо очень нужно плиззз!!!!!

This is part of a letter from your English pen-friend.

...I’m going to visit Russia in July. I’ve read a lot about Krasnodar but I’m especially interested in its history. What historical sites and museums would you recommend me to visit? Is museum entrance fee high in Krasnodar? Are there any weekdays when the entrance is free for students? Do they allow taking pictures inside?

Well, I must finish now because I ’ve got an exam tomorrow. Write back soon and tell me all your news.

All the best,


Write a letter to John. Write 100–120 words.


Ответ дал: vitalinayudina


                                                                                            Твой город,



Dear (кто тебе написал),

Thank you for your recent letter.  I was glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't been in touch with you for so long but I was really busy with my homework.

I'm happy that you're going to visit Russia. It's worth visiting! I wish you good luck. So, I'd recommend you to visit the museum of military equipment. I'd been there! Actually, the museum entrance is not high in Krasnodar. But if you're a student and want to visit a museum for free you'll have to wait until the coming of holidays. And of course, you can take some pics inside there.

Oh, sorry, my mum is calling me now.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,

твое имя (без точки!!!)


по кол-ву слов все нормально, если нужен будет перевод - пиши

aytenmirieva35: Спасибо!!!(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
vitalinayudina: можешь поставить спасибо?) и если посчитаешь нужным или получишь хорошую оценку сделать лучшим ответом ))
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