Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Continuous or Past Simple:


1. Where Jenny (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 2. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she (to study). 3. What you (to do) the whole day yesterday? – I (to clean) the flat. 4. What they (to do) when the phone (to ring)? – They (to watch) TV. 5. You (to see) Kate last night? – Yes, she (to wear) a very nice dress. 6. What time the post (to arrive) this morning? – It (to come) while I (to have) breakfast. 7. How you (to break) the window? – We (to play) football. I (to kick) the ball and it (to hit) the window. 8. How fast you (to drive) when the police (to stop) you? – I don`t know exactly but I (not to drive) very fast.


Ответ дал: kristinahan37


1. where Jenny went when you meet her yesterday? 2. was Jane busy when you went to see her? yes,she was studying. 3. what you did the whole day yesterday? I was cleaning the flat. 4. what they were doing when the phone rang? they were watching tv. 5. you saw Kate last night? yes,she was wearing a very nice dress. 6. what time the post was arriving this morning? it was coming while i was having to breakfast. 7. how you were breaking the window. 8. how fast you were driving when the police stopped you? i don't know exactly but i didn't drived very fast.

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