Напишите список того, что вы едите и пьете в день и
сравните это с другими в классе. Напиши пять
предложения, используя информацию, которую вы узнаете и
доложите устно классу. ( Write a list of what you eat and drink in a day and
compare it with others in the class. Write five
sentences using the information you find out and
report back orally to the class.)
EXAMPLES: I drink considerably more coffee than most
people. Leila eats slightly more chocolate
than I do. (= written, more formal
I drink a lot more coffee than most people.
Leila eats a bit more chocolate than I do.
(= spoken, informal register)


Ответ дал: elinaderiglazova


I love eating soup then my friend

I drink juice more milk than most

I eat spaghetti more chicken than most.


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