помогите пожалуйста
If I go out tonight, I (go) to the cinema
If you (get) back late, I'll be angry
We will see each other next week if we (not/see) each other tomorrow
If he (come) , I will be surprised
If we (wait) here, we (be) late
We (feel) sick if we (eat) all this cake
If you (not/want) to go out, I (cook) dinner at home

Напишите правильный вариант употребления глагола, находящегося в скобках: I (come) early, if you want

Напишите правильный вариант употребления глагола, находящегося в скобках: She will stay in London if she (get) a job


Ответ дал: WiseRabbit
1. Will go
2. Get
3. Don’t see
4. Comes
5. Wait, will be
6. Will feel, eat
7. Don’t want, will cook

I will come early if you want.
She will stay in London if she gets a job.
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