Тест по временам группы Simple №3
1. Paul is good at football. But he ______ play very often.
A) Doesn`t B) Didn`t C) Won`t
2. Last year they ____________at the school sports ground.
A) Skied B) Will ski C) Ski
3. For breakfast Sasha __________two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
A) Has B) Had C) Will have
4. The puppy __________with its tail a minute ago.
A) Played B) Playes C) Play
5. Stanley __________two sons and three daughters.
A) Has B) Will have C) Had
6. My sister __________her toys and books.
A) Likes B) Like C) Will like
7. Masha _______us tomorrow.
A) Called B) Calls C) Will call
8. My brother usually _______his homework in the afternoon.
A) Does B) Did C) Do
9. Yesterday John _______at eight o`clock.
A) Get`s up B) Geted up C) Got up
10. We _______English lesson last Friday.
A) Have B) Had C) Will have


Ответ дал: sitkinv


1. Paul is good at football. But he ______ play very often.

A) Doesn`t

2. Last year they ____________at the school sports ground.

A) Skied

3. For breakfast Sasha __________two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

A) Has

4. The puppy __________with its tail a minute ago.

A) Played

5. Stanley __________two sons and three daughters.

A) Has

6. My sister __________her toys and books.

A) Likes

7. Masha _______us tomorrow.

C) Will call

8. My brother usually _______his homework in the afternoon.

A) Does

9. Yesterday John _______at eight o`clock.

C) Got up

10. We _______English lesson last Friday.

B) Had


Ответ дал: anndier79002382303


1 А

10 В

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