Что для вас значит здоровая еда?
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Ответ дал: demchenkobo26

health food, fruits and vegetables

red21aye: это как бы англ яз
demchenkobo26: я позно увидел
red21aye: мда
Ответ дал: bs807431


What does healthy food mean to you? For me, the usefulness of food is not in its calories, but in health benefits. For a healthy diet, a conscious approach and understanding of the basics of nutrition are necessary. It is more likely that you will have to avoid eating foods that you love, if you do not follow a healthy diet, you will fall prey to diseases like diabetes and heart diseases that require strict control and diet. If you adhere to a healthy diet in moderation, you can continue to eat the things you have enjoyed before. The principles of healthy eating include not only what you eat, but also how and when to eat.

red21aye: спс
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