1) I wish I ________________ (have) a bigger car. Mine is too small.
а) had had, б) would, в) have had
2) I wish Ann ________________ (not say) that to Stuart. Now he is upset.
а) wouldn’t say, б) didn’t say, в) hadn't said
3) I wish I _________________ (know) Alice was ill last week. I would have phoned her.
а) knew had, б) known, в) would know
4) She wishes her son ___________________ (study) more often. He only studies before the exam.
а) would study, б) had studied, в) studied
5) Tom wishes he ______________________ (know) Jane's e-mail address. He would send her an e-mail.
а) would know, б) had known, в) knew?
6) I wish Thomas ________________ (not be) so selfish but he's always been like this.
а) wouldn't be, б) hadn’t been, в) wasn’t?
7) My brother wishes he __________________ (not be) so untidy. His room is always a mess.
а) wouldn’t be, б) hadn’t been, в) weren't
8) I wish I _____________________ (not eat) so much at Bill's party. Now I don't feel well.
9) I wish we ________________ (not have to) wear a school uniform. But it is a general rule.
10) I wish you ____________________ (stop) telling me what to do. It really annoys me.
11) Mary wishes she ____________________ (not forget) her umbrella on the bus. She'll have to buy a new one.
12) I wish your friend ____________________ (not tell) so many lies. I can't stand liars.​


Ответ дал: vladislavkirgizin
1 б

5 а
6 а
7 в
8 didn’t eat
9 would had to
10 wouldn’t forgot
11 didn’t forgot
12wouldnt told

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vladislavkirgizin: Да
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