Упражнения на Present\Past Passive
Выберите правильный вариант и переведите на русский язык.
1. The news programme ( is watched /was watched ) by millions of people every day.
2. The Mona Liza ( is painted / was painted ) by Leonardo Da Vinci.
3. The new cinema ( is built / was built ) last year.
4. New pop groups ( are much spoken / were much spoken ) about among teenagers all the time.
5. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written /is written ) when he was fourteen.
6. The letters (are delivered\were delivered ) by post at 7 o’clock in the morning.
7. The translation (is finished / was finished ) two hours ago.
8. London ( was visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.
Поставь глагол в форму Present\Past Simple Passive

1. Breakfast…………….(cook) by our mother two hours ago.
2. The new rule ……………….( explain) to us at the English lesson yesterday.
3. This sports game……………….(often play) at P.E. lessons.
4. The story ……………….(write) by Chekhov.
5. This sports centre ……………. (visit) by lots of people every week.
6. The ball ………………….(throw) over the fence and the children had to stop playing.
7. I…………….(bear родиться) in Moscow in 1996.
8. Spanish ……………………( speak) in many countries.


Ответ дал: vladislavkirgizin
1 is
2 was
3 was
4 are
5 was
6 are
7 was
8 is
1 was cooked
2 was explained
3often play
4was written
5 were visited
6 was thrown
7 was born
8 speaks
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